
Using and Abusing ASPNET MVC for Fun and Profit

Page history last edited by Weston M. Binford III 16 years, 2 months ago

Jeremy D. Miller and Chad Myers gave a workshop at Kaizenconf in Austin, Texas on October 30, 2008.


Workshop Description (from Dave Laribee's original post on the workshops):


After deciding to go with ASP.NET MVC Preview 2, we quickly ran into a few design/testability problems and some missing functionality we needed (it's a preview, after all). Still agreeing that ASP.NET MVC was good and still worth pursuing, we decided to begin filling in some of the gaps and trying to avoid some of the testability problems by creating our own extensions and overriding certain behavior.  Jeremy has come up with some great concepts during this process that we'd like to share with the community.


During this workshop, we'll go through the various additions and derivations we've made in our ASP.NET MVC-based application and how they've helped us create a very adaptable, reusable, and testable web application infrastructure.  The goal is to discuss and contribute ideas to the community, suffer critical feedback, and hopefully increase interest in MVC-based design and testability in a web environment.


Videos of the presentation:


Opinionated MVC (Part 1) - video recorded and produced by Chad Myers (approximately 1:22 hours)

Opinionated MVC (Part 2) - video recorded and produced by Chad Myers (approximately 1:15 hours)


Relevant Links:

Our "Opinions" on the ASP.NET MVC (Introducing the Thunderdome Principle) - Jeremy introduces Opinionated MVC

Kaizenconf, MVC, and Internal DSLs, OH MY! - Chad wraps up of Kaizenconf with a mention of the workshop.

Chad & I get Opinionated about the ASP.NET MVC - Jeremy teases about making code available on Google Code.

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