From "Project" to "Product"
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last edited
by Steven Harman 16 years, 3 months ago
What is our problem? What is the root cause? Let’s fix that. Then move onto the next problem.
Three combined topics:
- From "Projects" to "Products".
- From retrospectives to continuous improvement.
- From self-organizing teams to well lead teams.
Leadership, Management, and Self-Organizing/Self-Managing Teams
- Teams need someone large and in charge. Someone to call the ball.
- Leadership in the agile space.
- Management and leadership are not the same thing.
- Leadership is the ability to inspire people to do thing. Inspirational.
- If I am doing a good job as a leader I need to be expendable.
- leader's role is to develop / grow more leaders
- Management is focused on status quo.
- Management is responsible to work towards the overall goal
- Leadership is inspirational motivational.
- Leader is an agent of change
- "leader" and "manager" competing roles?
- Corporate managers need to have leadership skills as well.
- What does well lead teams mean ?
- Orthodoxy -à Something new.
- Agile teams at some point feel they don’t need to be directed.
- What happens to a team when the leader disappears.
- Small well lead teams are the most effective fighting force.
- It is harder to get a good leader "naturally" in a larger team
- Good leaders inspire people to get things done.
- Leaders need to be developed.
- A leadership vacuum can kill an effective team
- Rejection of direction.
- Leadership metaphor Jazz Band.
- Leader of next song comes “naturally” when team is small. Until team (band) is of a larger size then you need a director (leader)
- Director doesn’t necessarily play the instruments.
- Agile developers need to be careful challenging authority all the times. Sometimes you need to do stuff as you are told. Sometimes you need to be a private and not a general.
- Let me justify to you why you need to do that is not always a good way to work.
Some Interesting Ideas
- Earning respect and trust.
- Protect your teams interest.
- Build a respect based culture.
- “Military” is not == “militaristic”
- Not all managers are bad. If you assume management is bad you are creating a self fulfilling prophecy.
- Agile should not have the assumption that management.
- How much time is your company willing to spend training you?
- Book: “managing to learn” by Jon Shook
- What is the happy medium between lots of “command and control” and no “command and control”
- Stereotypes are bad.
- Does your manager need to be technical?
- Trust based culture.
- Leaders should be paired with opposite skills.
- We are transitioning to a more sane method of developing software.
- What do we expect out of a leader or a manager?
- How can you manage (make a decision) about what you don’t technically understand?
- Emotional intelligence
- Self reflective. Resonate with people.
- Training on counseling?
- How do you counsel ? mentor ? You need to make others better than you.
- Individualism. Career progression.
- How do you instill self reflection ?
- Training for first line supervisors. Assessment forms
- Training for project managers. Assessment forms.
- Project managers do not have the responsibility for success of a project. Only time and schedule.
- Products live on beyond the projects.
- Align goals of a project to a business.
- Measurement of success of a product/project.
- Cost and schedule are sub-optimizing measurements. Did you deliver the value?
- Deliver something useful that has business value.
- Project management is a waste smell.
- Goals are not aligned.
- Software product companies don’t typically have project management.
- Product managers own products.
- best product managers are responsible for product success years down the road. How?
- Products live forever.
- When is release complete?
- Sometimes it s just fun to listen to a session at Kaizen Conf (Rodman)
- Stairstep funding vs spiked funding.
- the big difference between project and product
- What is defect rate after delivery?
- Value, Value, Value!!!
- What is the value of what is delivered?
- Process improvement meeting.
- What can we make better? What kinds of steps can we take? How do we measure?
- Root cause analysis
- Do we have the correct root cause?
- "correct root cause" is something that can be changed, and the change will fix the problem
- What worked what didn’t?
- We need time to do improvement.
- Sometime you need to pause to improve.
- How much re-work are you doing?
- There is way more to process improvement than Retrospectives.
- Continuous improvement requires follow up.
- Book: “The team handbook” by Scholtes
- Spend time working on improvement.
- Empower people to make changes or request them.
- Ask: Whats wrong with what we are doing?
- Make time on your teams for Process Improvement.
From "Project" to "Product"
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